Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 19 March 2019

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Holme Parish Council

Held on Tuesday 19 March 2019 at Holme Village Hall.

Councillors present:   Mr J Griffin, Mr D Neal, Mr H Watson, Mr T Snitch, Mrs W Aylesbury,  Mr P Sargent,

Also present: Mrs J Osborn (Clerk).

  1. Apologies for absence: County Cllr S Bywater, District Councillor T Alban, Mrs J Weatheritt
  2. Declaration of interests: None
  3. 3. Public Participation

Two members of the public attended

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15 January and 14 March 2019

Cllr Aylesbury proposed that the minutes of the meetings held on 15 January and 14 March 2019 be accepted and signed as a true record. Seconded by Cllr Watson & unanimously agreed. Minutes signed by Councillor Snitch and Councillor Neal respectively.

Matters arising from the minutes:

  1.  Footpath from Holme to nature reserve. Difficulties contacting Network Rail. Clerk is continuing efforts to get a response
  2. Speed Indicator Device (SID).The third session of the SID was near Holmewood again. 85th percentile 41mph, average 31 mph. highest speed was 97mph! These figures have been sent to Cambs County Council Highways for analysis. The SID is to be moved again shortly.The post at Holmewood is in the wrong place and the SID is recording too early. Clerk to negotiate with CCC to move or erect a new post and funds to be committed accordingly (Proposed by J Griffin, Seconded T Snitch)
  3. Traffic project, Station Rd. The bid for funds under the LHI scheme was unsuccessful (missed by one place).
  4. 20mph limit near School. Speedwatch had done 2 sessions and had not recorded any cars over 30mph. No evidence of high speeds to pursue this.
  5. Website – Up and running. holmecambsparish.org Clerk to write to Stewart Howe to say thank you.


  1. 17/00101/OUT Pingle Bank – was permitted by HDC, subject to footpath and pedestrian crossing over B660 being able to be provided and financed under S106.
  2. 19/00189/OUT 43 Holmewood – Recommend refusal ( see meeting 14 March)
  3. 18/01817/Change of use and extension of 2 Barns to form 4 dwellings, Tower Farm, New Long Drove – pending decision
  4. 18/01150/FUL Caravans – in progress
  5. 18/01819/OUT Church St/Laws Yard. Planning Officer has informed Cllr Alban and Clerk that it is being refused.
  6. 19/00479/HHFUL Extension, 21 Church St – The applicant addressed the Council. Councillors decided to recommend refusal on design grounds.

Financial report

 Receipts – Memorial Fees £375, Interest £6.19

Payment of outstanding debts:

3.2.19 DD 1 & 1 Internet 4.79
31.1.19 BACS J Osborn wages/exps Jan 249.92
31.1.19 BACS Holme C E Primary School (Printing Parish News) 24.36
31.1.19 BACS Soc of Local Council Clerks (Conference) 48.00
28.2.19 BACS J Osborn wages Feb 224.26
28.2.19 BACS Soc of Local Council Clerks (Training) 5.00
6.3.19 DD 1 & 1 Internet Ltd 4.79

 Current position. A copy of the receipts and payments and bank reconciliation

to 19 March 2019 was handed to each Councillor.

VAT reclaim has been made for £914.30Appointment of Auditor. Russell Wright was proposed.

 Health & Safety 

  1. Pavement, Holmewood – reported and fixed (poorly) so reported again
  2. Litter pick – this is being done regularly.
  3. Footpath to Stilton. Some Councillors to walked to Stilton to survey the footpath and found it in good shape and well signposted.
  4. Footpath to Yaxley – needs better signposting at Weeks Lane.
  5. Trees in Short Drove. Cllr Watson has tidied these.
  6. Cemetery Fence. Urgently needs some concrete fence spurs in places. Resolved to put spurs on all the remaining posts –Clerk to obtain quotes and selection of contractor to be carried out immediately to get work under way.
  7. Holmewood Hall – Clerk to contact to suggest signage -access from Short Drove rather than Church St. 


  1. Exclusive Right of Burial – one certificate signed.
  2. CAPALC certificate presented to Cllr Aylesbury.
  3. Planning seminar –Cllr Snitch to attend
  4. Speed Limit (20) through village – see item 5(b)(iii)- no action.
  5. Letter regarding play area – this to be included in negotiations with HDC/developer of Pingle Bank if possible.
  6. Letter regarding additional dog poo bin for Pingle Bank – Council agreed to fund emptying. Spare bin to be erected.
  7. Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 9 May. Stewart Howe to be invited to speak re the Annabel Davis centre.

Date of next meeting: Tues 21 May at 7pm & Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 9 May at 7pm.



Signed…………………………               Date……………………………




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