Holme Youth Club
With the Easter holidays imminent we will soon be commencing the summer term and our day out gets nearer. It has been decided that we will go to Battlefields in Thorney followed by Bowling at Play2Day in Guyhirn on Sunday 23rd June. This has already proved to be very popular and as we are going in a coach numbers will be restricted to 27 so pay your deposit as soon as you can to reserve your place – once all the seats are booked there will be a waiting list in case of any cancellations but we cant change the numbers Im afraid so I apologise for anyone who is disappointed.
The lighter nights are now with us so we can have sessions in the school field (with kind permission of the Headteacher) where cricket, rounders, football are all on offer or just “hanging out” in the open air. Lets hope we are in for some nice dry Friday evenings. We will still be needing adult supervisors and whilst we are very grateful to the parents who support us it would be extremely useful if we could add more names to our list so if anyone over the age of 18 would like to help please get in touch with reneeross@btinternet.com and I can give you details of what is involved.
Membership of Holme Youth Club is open to children in school years 5-10 who live in Holme or attend or have attended Holme School. If you fulfil this criteria and would like to know more about it pop into the village hall on a Friday evening between 6.30 and 8.30 or email reneeross@btinternet.com for further details.
Holme Community Speedwatch
A group of Junior Travel Ambassadors from Holme school set up a speedwatch session and were amazed at how many people were exceeding the 30 mph speed limit and also how difficult it was to collect the information required. It gave them a good insight into
what we are trying to achieve and hopefully they will influence the drivers in their families to observe the speed limits.
The weather has played havoc with some of our sessions but we continue to battle on with the hope that we will eventually educate all drivers passing through our village to adhere to the speed limits. Its not looking too promising at the moment with our percentage of speeders still between 25 and 40. When you have over 100 vehicles passing along the B660 within an hour it is a bit depressing.
As always we are looking to recruit additional volunteers to our happy band so if you feel you can spare an hour or so now and again please drop an email to csw.holme@gmail.com and we will let you have details of exactly what is involved then arrange your training with Cambridgeshire Constabulary before getting you out on the road to see for yourself how challenging it is.
Holme WI Celebrates 70 Years
Holme WI celebrated 70 years at our March meeting. With special guests invited, we had a very busy but thoroughly enjoyable evening with our guest speaker the actor and tv presenter, Warwick Davis. Warwick arrived at the hall with his wife Sammy, and they brought a cake to help us celebrate, and Warwick cut our celebration cake as well.
Warwick thoroughly entertained us with his life as an actor and tv presenter, starting out as an Ewok in The Return of the Jedi, part of the Star Wars franchise, when his Gran heard an advert on the radio requesting short people for an upcoming film role. Then the film director George Lucas wrote the film Willow with Warwick in mind for the lead role. Although film director Ron Howard insisted Warwick audition for the role as he wanted to see if he was good enough. During the making of this film he struck up a friendship with actor Val Kilmer, a friendship that is still going strong today. Although Warwick was upset when Val Kilmer broke his specially brought sunglasses as they were waiting to fly to New Zealand, Val Kilmer thought he didn’t look right in his cheaper sunglasses and instead gave him a pair of genuine Ray Bans. He also had to have baby handling lessons and learn how to ride a horse, both equally challenging.
Warwick has spent quite a lot of time in Pantomine, and it was during one of these that he met Sammy, who became his wife, after what he called ‘lots of wooing’. Today he is still busy with the Star Wars franchise, who thought it would still be going strong 40 years after the original film. He also presents the quiz show Tenables, and will soon be heard as the voice of Sniff in a new adaptation of The Moomins. Warwick gave us an amusing insight into the world of film and television, with our members and guests rolling with laughter, but he was also very frank about his size and the heartache both he and Sammy have suffered through the years.
He was keen to join in singing Jerusalem and judged our competition, a handmade birthday card, and took this very seriously, reading and inspecting each card thoroughly before choosing the winner.
Holme WI has been extremely fortunate to have Warwick as our guest speaker at our special birthday, although he lives in the village, it doesn’t mean he drops in all the time, although he would always be welcome and so is Sammy. Although they arrived a little late, and apologised, as they only live ‘just around the corner’.
Anyone interested in joining, please do come along and see what we are all about and what we get up to. We meet on the first Thursday of every month at Holme Village Hall, Short Drove, Holme PE7 3PA at 7.30pm. Please contact holmewi2015@gmail.com for further details.
All ladies will receive a warm and friendly welcome.
Alison McGuinness President
Apologies for no report last month. Unfortunately I was away and my attempt at delegation failed.
Holme Guides are taking their first steps into the new programme and so far, so good! We made pancakes on pancake day and had a fun time doing a drama activity arranged by one of our Leaders in Training, Emily. Emily and Kathryn have made great progress with their training and should soon be qualified adult leaders – just in time to leave for University. Doh! So if there’s someone else out there who’d like to train as a Guide leader please get in touch. Theirs are big shoes to fill!
We would also like a new Young Leader (aged 14-18) to come along and be part of the leadership team – she can be a Ranger, or not. If anyone fancies this as part of Duke of Edinburgh volunteering, maybe, or just because it’s fun, do contact me. Ex-Guides ideal, but you don’t have to have been a Guide. We meet on Mondays at 7.15pm.
The Guide Units in Yaxley also have Young Leader and Adult helper vacancies, they meet on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7.30pm.
Holme Rangers have been mostly eating, as far as I can tell – pancakes, soda bread, chocolate. I am sure the Ranger programme involves other things…watch this space!
We are rising in numbers which is great. We still have spaces for girls from 10 to 18 years; please contact Moira for Rangers (14+) or me for Guides – we also have Young Leader opportunities in the Yaxley area.
If you would like to know more look at www.girlguiding.org.uk or give me or Moira a call/email!
Janice (Guides) 01487 831451 janiceo.girlguiding@gmail.com
Moira (Rangers) 01733 243174 moira.girlguiding@outloook.com
Holme Parish Council News
Hello again!
Planning. Revised plans for 25 homes on Pingle Bank were discussed at an extraordinary Council meeting on 14th March, recommended for refusal and a long list of comments was sent to the Planning Authority. The case came before the Development Management Committee on 18th March at which the County Councillor, District Councillor and Parish Councillor spoke along with some residents. Thank you for your efforts. The DMC however voted by majority to permit the Pingle Bank development, subject to “reserved matters” including a footpath and a pedestrian crossing across the B660. At the time of writing the details are not published but I’ll put them on the website and Facebook when they are. Nobody is really sure how a footpath can be fitted in along Pingle Bank so this could be a sticking point. The developer now has to put forward more detailed plans.
The new proposed development (2 houses this time) at the back of Holmewood was recommended to Huntingdonshire District Council for refusal on environmental grounds.
Ann application for a rebuild near the Church was resisted by Councillors on design/aesthetic grounds. The decision rests with the Huntingdonshire council planners.
Speed Indicator Device. This shows that Holme still has a huge speeding problem along the B660! In February 17800+ cars passed by and over 50% were travelling over 30mph. 15% were going over 41mph. The County Council and Police are sent the statistics and some Police speed monitoring is taking place. You may think 40mph is not that fast and why are we bothering…. but 97mph was recorded one night and plenty over 50mph too.
We have a new Website! We have a shiny new website! www.holmecambsparish.org
Many thanks to Stewart Howe who has built this for us free of charge. All Parish Council documents will be viewable there and if you have news items or anything you would like to put on the website please email it to me and if it’s appropriate I now have the skills to publish it! We will also be publishing this magazine online.
My Facebook identity is migrating to a page – from now on find me on Facebook at Holme Parish Council (look for the village sign- there are other Holmes!)
If you wish to contact me it is best to email or phone me rather than use Facebook, please, as I don’t always have time to check it daily.
Next Council meeting: Tuesday 21 May 2019 at 7.00pm at the Village Hall – the annual meeting of the Council when the Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected and the accounts and policies reviewed. All welcome to listen, please let me know ahead if you wish to address the Council.
Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 9 May at 7.00pm – you will receive an invitation! Please do come along. This is not an actual Council meeting but a legal requirement to be held by all Parishes in England and Wales. The Parish Council facilitates it, but it’s your meeting – tell me what you want it to be! We will hear form all the village organisations and Stewart Howe is going to speak.
Mrs J Osborn – Parish Clerk. 01487 831559 holmeparishclerk@gmail.com
Facebook: Holme Parish Council
Clay Shooting Club
The next meeting will be in August and anyone wishing to join should contact Ron Gilbert, email: ronnieg911@hotmail.com
April 7th | Fifth Sunday of Lent | |||||
9.00am | Holy Communion | |||||
Reader: | Mrs L Papworth | |||||
Prayers for: | Conington Fen | Safety for all those travelling | ||||
April 13th | Palm Sunday | |||||
4.30pm (Saturday) | Family Service | |||||
Reader: | Mrs L Papworth | |||||
Prayers for: | The Great North Road | Police, Fire and Ambulance | ||||
April 20th | Easter Day | |||||
9.00am | Holy Communion | |||||
Reader: | Mrs J Osborne | |||||
Flowers: | Mrs B Lawes & helpers | |||||
Prayers for: | Bushey Close | Doctors and Health Care Workers | ||||
April 28th | Second Sunday of Easter | |||||
NO SERVICE | ||||||
Prayers for: | The Green | Local Government Officers & Our MP | ||||
Date | Reading 1 | Reading 2 | Reading 3 |
April |
43:16-21 |
3:4b-14 |
12:1-8 |
April |
50:4-9a |
2:5-11 |
22:14-23:56 |
April |
10:34-43 |
1 Corinthians
15:19-26 |
20:1-18 |
April |
5:27-32 |
1:4-8 |
20:19-31 |
Church Windows
We are delighted to tell you that the windows have now been
repaired and look as good as new. We are very grateful to
everyone who contributed to this and, with the money from the
insurance we have covered the cost and have a little left over to
consider how we can best protect the St Giles in future.
Once again, thank you for your generosity, do come and see
the new windows at a service soon.
The Gardener’s Hymn by Betty Thompson
All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small,
all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.
What we never mention, though gardeners know it’s true,
Is when He made the goodies he made the baddies too.
The greenfly on the roses, the maggots in the peas,
Manure that fills our noses, he also gave us these.
All things spray and swattable, disasters great and small
All things paraquattable, the Lord God made them all.
The fungus on the goosegogs, the club root on the greens
The slugs that eat the lettuce and chew the aubergines.
All things spray and swattable, disasters great and small
All things squashable the Lord God made them all.
The drought that kills the fuchsias, the frost that nips the buds
The rain that drowns the seedlings, the blight that hits the spuds.
The midges and mosquitos, the nettles and the weeds,
The pigeons on the greenstuff and ants among the seeds.
The fly that gets the carrots, the wasps that eat the plums,
How black the gardeners’ outlook, though green must be his thumbs.
But still the gardeners labour midst vegetables and flowers
And pray what hits our neighbour will somehow bypass ours All things spray and swattable, disasters great and small
All things squashable the Lord God made them all.
(But please don’t forget the Ladybirds and lacewings that eat the aphids, the birds that feed the caterpillars to their babies, the
worms that turn the soil, the bees that pollinate our fruit and veg and so many more beneficial insects – God made them too! Editor)