Minutes of meeting 16 July 2019

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Holme Parish Council

held on Tuesday 16 July 2019 at Holme Village Hall.



     Councillors present:   Mr J Griffin, Mr D Neal, Mr T Snitch, Mrs W Aylesbury, Mr P Sargent,

Mrs J Weatheritt, Mr H Watson, County Councillor S Bywater.

Also present: Mrs J Osborn (Clerk).


  1. Election of Chairman. Cllr Griffin. Proposed by Cllr Aylesbury, seconded by Cllr Sergeant, Unanimously elected.
  2. Cllr Griffin signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
  3. Apologies for absence: District Councillor T Alban
  4. Declaration of interests: None
  5. Public Participation

2 Members of the public attended

6. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 28 May 2019

Cllr Aylesbury proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 May 2019 be accepted and signed as a true record. Seconded by Cllr Watson & unanimously agreed. Minutes signed by the Vice Chairman.

7. Matters arising from the minutes:

  1. Footpath from Holme to nature reserve. A response of sorts has finally been obtained from Network Rail. Clerk is continuing efforts to move the project on and to enlist help of Shailesh Vara MP.
  2. Provision of a foot and/or cycle path from Holme along the B660 towards Glatton. Clerk has approached Cambs County Council (CCC) Highways Dept but heard nothing. One parishioner had written to express her disagreement with this.
  3. Increasing the number of Parish Councillors. The Council resolved to ask Huntingdon District Council (HDC) to carry out a Community Governance Review with the aim of increasing the number of Parish Councillors from 7 to 9 from the earliest date possible, acknowledging that the cost of an election may need to be underwritten in due course (Clerk to find out the cost). Proposed by Cllr Snitch and seconded by Cllr Aylesbury.
  4. Cemetery Gates. Discussed and the inner gates are to be replaced. Clerk to obtain quotes to remove the old gates, install one 5 foot wooden gate with farm style latch and 2 gateposts, flanked by sections of fence to match existing each side of posts. Gate to be set 1 to 2 metres forward of existing position to avoid tree roots causing the problems. Clerk to check the width of grass mowers and grave digging machinery with current contactors in advance. Clerk to look at additional grant funding.
  5. Mike Barker has painted/stained the outer gates, Clerk to thank him.
  6. Cllr Snitch has sprayed off the weeds.
  7. Possibility of new/more gravel – pend until weeds dead and gates replaced.
  8. Trees in Holmewood – Clerk had spoken with Forestry Commission. Tree Preservation Orders are the way to protect the ancient woodlands. Clerk to set wheels in motion with HDC Tree Officer with a view to achieving protection for the woods.
  9. Operation London Bridge. Clerk had written a policy which was adopted and will be circulated (to include Churchwardens) and published. Cost of any official photo to be purchased approved in advance.

8. Speed Reduction.

  1. Speed Indicator Device (SID) Figures – April and May show a reduction in the 85th percentile but still some very high speeds.
  2. CCC are currently looking at the proposal to move or erect a new post for the SID near Holmewood (cost of this about £3-400 approved in advance) and a working party led by Cllr Neal will look at the potential siting of a new post near the pub/level crossing and let Clerk have a plan to send to Highways.
  3. The draft Local Highway Initiative (LHI) bid drawn up by Cllr Snitch and circulated before the meeting was discussed and approved and Clerk to submit this as soon as possible.

9. Planning

  1. 17/00101/OUT Pingle Bank. The formal S106 agreement has been published (circulated) but no firm plans have been submitted yet.
  2. 18/01150/FUL Caravans – in progress
  3. 19/00189/OUT 43 Holmewood – In progress.
  4. 19/00479/HHFUL Extension, 21 Church St –In progress
  5. 19/00400819/PIP – Agricultural Buildings, Short Drove – in progress
  6. Holmewood Hall Licensing Application – approved by HDC.
  7. 19/01078/FUL – 3 Dwellings, Tower Farm. Not all Councillors had seen and will send comments to Clerk for transmission to HDC by Friday 19th

10. Financial report

  1. Current Position – A copy of the receipts and payments and bank reconciliation

to 16 July 2019 was handed to each Councillor.


4.6.19 BACS NALC- LCR Magazine 17.00
4.6.19 BACS CAPALC 286.28
4.6.19 BACS J Osborn Clerk wages & exps May 370.78
4.6.19 BACS SLCC – New Manual 108.79
4.6.19 101235 DP Stafford Landscaping 1491.27
4.6.16 DD 1 & 1 Internet Ltd 4.79
2.7.19 BACS Holme Primary School- Parish News printing x 2 50.40
2.7.19 BACS HMRC PAYE 15.20
2.7.19 BACS J Osborn Clerk wages June 252.60

 Receipts –Precept £15000 now received following admin error at HDC. £1000 Grant from Tesco/Groundwork towards repairs to Speedwatch kit – to be held for future use. Interest £6.19

ACRE renewal – decided to renew at cost of £57.00

The above authorised; proposed Cllr Aylesbury, seconded Cllr Watson.

 11. Health & Safety

  1. Railings at Short Drove- CCC Highways has them in hand.
  2. Verge Cutting – done late and very badly, Clerk has complained. The Contract states verges should be cut across the full width. Clerk to follow up with contractor, also re Health & Safety matters.

 12. Correspondence

  1. Parishioner letter re newly converted houses in Church St – to follow up re definition of roadway edge, replacement of footpath and also to ask for action re the unacceptable numbers of Estate Agents’ boards.
  2. Pidley Mountain Rescue Teddy Bear freefall competition (to noticeboards) .
  3. Polling Places review – Admiral Wells function room is the current Polling Station, to be reported as suitable.
  4. Local Transport Plan review – consultation online.
  5. Bus 415 on Wednesdays – change of provider to Dews.
  6. Ramsey Town Council Civic Service – decline
  7. Chorus Homes – new name for Luminus
  8. Magpas – donation request declined
  9. Councillor Training at Hilton

13 Date of next meeting: Tuesday 17 September at 7pm

Signed…………………………               Date……………………………




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