Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Holme Parish Council
Held on Tuesday 28 May 2019 at Holme Village Hall.
Councillors present: Mr D Neal, Mr T Snitch, Mrs W Aylesbury, Mr P Sargent, Mrs J Weatheritt.
Also present: Mrs J Osborn (Clerk).
- Election of Chairman. Cllr Griffin. Proposed by Cllr Aylesbury, seconded by Cllr Weatheritt. Clerk has not heard from Cllr Griffin as to whether he was prepared to stand. Election deferred to July meeting.
- Election of Vice Chairman. Cllr Neal, Proposed by Cllr Aylesbury, Seconded by Cllr Weatheritt. Cllr Neal was elected and took the Chair.
- Cllr Neal signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
- Councillors present signed the Registration of Pecuniary Liabilities form.
- Apologies for absence: County Cllr Bywater, District Councillor Alban, Cllr J Griffin, Cllr H Watson.
- Declaration of interests: None
- Public Participation No public attended
- Adoption of Standing Orders (NALC 2018) Proposed Cllr Snitch, Seconded Cllrs Aylesbury, all in favour.
- Adoption of Financial Regulations Proposed Cllr Snitch, Seconded Cllr Aylesbury, all in favour.
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2019
Cllr Snitch proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2019 be accepted and signed as a true record. Seconded by Cllr Aylesbury & unanimously agreed. Minutes signed by the Vice Chairman.
11. Matters arising from the minutes:
a. Footpath from Holme to nature reserve. A response of sorts has finally been obtained from Network rail. Clerk is continuing efforts to move the project on.
b.Speed Indicator Device (SID).
- Clerk in talks with CCC to move or erect a new post near Holmewood, and possibly one near Level crossing. Difficulties with transmitting SID information.
- Cllr Snitch is attending a training session in June.
c. Matter Arising from Annual Parish Meeting – provision of a foot and/or cycle path from Holme along the B660 towards Glatton to join up with the path along the B1043. This would provide access to the bus stop and make travel by cycle or foot much safer. Likely cost calculated per CCC website could be £300,000 plus the cost of land. Clerk has approached CCC Highways and will contact County and District Councillors.
12. Planning
a. 17/00101/OUT Pingle Bank – was permitted by HDC, subject to footpath and pedestrian crossing over B660 being able to be provided and financed under S106. No further news.
b. 18/01819/OUT Church St/Laws Yard. Refused. The refusal notice and officers report are available on HDC planning portal and Clerk will circulate.
c. 18/01817/Change of use and extension of 2 Barns to form 4 dwellings, Tower Farm, New Long Drove – approved
d. 18/01150/FUL Caravans – in progress
e. 19/00189/OUT 43 Holmewood – In progress. Discussion about trees being felled, Clerk to approach the appropriate Tree Officer/Forestry Commission to explore the issue.
f. 19/00479/HHFUL Extension, 21 Church St –In progress
g. 19/00400819/PIP – Agricultural Buildings, Short Drove. Recommend refusal. The Area on the plan exceeds the actual existing built area. The site is in the open countryside. Views of the Fen to be protected. Drainage issues.
h. Local Plan Update – the Plan to 2036 has been adopted. Available to read on the HDC Planning Portal. Clerk to circulate relevant sections.
i. Holmewood Hall Licensing Application. Parish Council is not a consultee but individuals may comment. Committee is meeting on 29 May. Clerk to advise results when published.
13. Financial report
a. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). The questions read out and approved and the return was signed by Vice Chairman.
b. Adoption of Accounts. Proposed by Cllr Aylesbury and seconded by Cllr Sargent, unanimously approved.
c. Auditor’s report – Clerk has still to add policies to new website
d. Current Position – A copy of the receipts and payments and bank reconciliation to 31 March 2019 and to 27 May 2019 was handed to each Councillor.
e. Payments:
29.3.19 | BACS | Mrs J Y Osborn, wages/exps March | 284.68 |
29.3.19 | BACS | HMRC PAYE | 6.00 |
29.3.19 | BACS | Cambs CC – Posts for Speed Indicator | 876.67 |
3.4.19 | 101232 | D P Stafford Landscaping | 1213.77 |
6.4.19 | DD | 1 & 1 Internet Ltd | 4.79 |
1.5.19 | BACS | Mrs J Y Osborn wages /exps April | 275.30 |
1.5.19 | BACS | Huntingdonshire D C Empty bins | 303.17 |
1.5.19 | 101233 | T Snitch – materials to install post for bin | 20.00 |
1.5.19 | 101234 | R Wright – Auditor | 65.00 |
6.5.19 | DD | 1 & 1 Internet Ltd | 4.79 |
21.5.19 | BACS | Huntingdonshire DC – Empty new bin | 303.17 |
21.5.19 | BACS | Holme Primary School- printing flyers | 10.44 |
21.5.19 | BACS | Holme Primary School – Parish News x3 | 66.12 |
21.5.19 | BACS | MAM Garden Maintenance (Post spurs, cemetery fence) | 1395.00 |
f. Receipts – VAT refund £914.30. Grass cutting grant £726.60 expected, but not yet received. Precept £15000 expected but admin error at HDC means it has not been received yet. CIL received for 30 and 32a Church St £1770.07
g. CAPALC renewal – decided to renew at cost of £261.28 plus £25 for GDPR scheme.
h. Local Council Review magazine– Discussed, decide to continue subscription at £17.00.
14. Health & Safety
a. Road surface around drain, Church St – reported and fixed
b. Road surface around drain, Station Rd – reported
c. Cemetery Fence. Work has been done to a high standard.
d. Grey bin at cemetery. Discussed and decide to continue with current arrangements for volunteers to empty the bin on rota. The wire bins to be moved around the back of the shelter as dustbin is to be used in preference.
e. Cemetery gates. Outer ones to be wood stained. Clerk to ask a volunteer. Inner ones need replacing. To be considered in the interim and discussed at July meeting.
15. Correspondence
a. Suggestion re play area. Discussed and Clerk to propose to Planning Officer re Pingle Bank development, although it was felt that Holmewood might be a better situation.
b. One Leisure information and
c. Disability Hunts information- passed to Cllr Aylesbury for transmission to the Parish News.
d. CAPALC conference – no Councillors wished to attend (Clerk to check with Cllr Griffin and Watson). Also to feed back that Friday is not a good day – can these be varied?
e. Merchant Navy Day – no action
f. Operation London Bridge. Clerk to communicate with Churchwardens and come up with a Policy to deploy when the time comes.
g. Increasing the number of Councillors. Discussed and proposed by Cllr Aylesbury, seconded by Cllr Neal. Resolved to ask HDC to carry out a Community Governance Review. 2 extra Councillors would not only spread the load, it would also allow new Councillors to join the Council without having to lose the experience of any of the existing Councillors. The population of Holme has and will increase with new housing having been built/to be built approaching 40 homes since 2010, 15% increase.
h. Road signage, Holmewood Hall. This not seen as Parish Council matter, but Council would support Mr Bramer if he wished to erect signage, particularly to divert traffic away from the School.
i. Ramsey Town Council Civic Service – Cllr Griffin may wish to attend.
j. Purchase of new copy of Local Council Administration (11th Edition). Clerk currently has the 8th Edition in regular use and it was agreed she should replace it (Full cost £129.99 but discounts available via SLCC).
16. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 17 July at 7pm (NB Date is not as previously planned)
Signed………………………… Date……………………………