Annual Parish Meeting 9 May 2019 – draft minutes

                                       Minutes of Holme Annual Parish Meeting

                      Held on Thursday 9 May 2019 at Holme Village Hall.


The meeting was chaired by Mr. John Griffin, Chairman of Holme Parish Council. The minutes were taken by Mrs. Janice Osborn, Parish Clerk.

Present: 36 people attended the meeting including Parish Councillors, District Councillor and parishioners.Apologies for absence:  Mr and Mrs R Knight, Cllr D Neal, Mr and Mrs T Mitcham, County Cllr S Bywater, Mrs V Fendley, Mrs A McGuiness, Mrs T Allen, Mr R Gilbert

Minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 19 April 2018: The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Annual report of the Parish Council: See appendix 1

Annual Report by District Cllr. Tim Alban – See appendix 2

Annual Report by County Councillor Simon Bywater read by Clerk – see appendix 3

Reports from Village Organisations:

  1. Holme CE Primary School – Mr A Lawes – appendix 4
  2. 1st Short Drove Rangers – Miss J Roan and Miss K Paternoster –appendix 5
  3. 1st Holme St Giles Guides – Mrs L Browning – appendix 6
  4. Holme WI –Mrs J Lane – appendix 7
  5. Holme Short Mat Bowls Club – Mrs V Hempsell – appendix 8
  6. Holme Pre- School – Mrs V Lunan – appendix 9
  7. Life on the Holme Front – Mr K Gipson –The 2019 event is not going ahead.St Giles Church – Mrs J Osborne- appendix 10
  8. Speedwatch – Mrs R Mitcham (read by Clerk) – appendix 11
  9. Holme Youth Club – Mrs S Hunt- appendix 12
  10. Holme Village Hall – Mrs V Lunan – appendix 13
  11. Holme Reading Room Trust- Mr J Griffin- appendix 14
  12. Holme Parish News – Mrs B Lawes – appendix 15
  13. Sir John Cotton Educational Foundation – Mrs K Gipson appendix 16
  14. Admiral Wells Golf Society – Mr A Butten – appendix 17

Planning – Consultation on 19/00819/PIP – Agricultural Buildings, Short Drove

Comments were made as follows:

Dangerous corner and road is very narrow near the triangle junction. Additional traffic would exacerbate the danger.

8 houses too many, the development would be far more dense than surrounding dwellings or with the village as a whole. Would 3 or 4 be more appropriate?

Sensitive site – is the view protected? Ecology? Tree has TPO on it and must be protected.

Sewerage.   Since Hardwick Court has been occupied Anglian Water has attended many blockage incidents around St Giles Close, on average once a month, Clerk will be provided with records. Also the sewerage treatment facility has had to be pumped out regularly.  Manholes overflow. Anglian Water to be consulted. The sewerage system is not coping with the existing population and must be upgraded to cope with all the new homes.

It was pointed out that the site on the plan was larger than the site of the existing buildings and that it would be desirable to restrict the development to the actual built area.

The map does not include the new house at 42a Church St.


Pingle Bank Update: Meetings have been held with the Highways officer,County, District and Parish Councillors and the Planning Officer and everyone fully understands the issues around the proposed footpath and pedestrian crossing over the B660 which is fundamental to the development. A design will be sent for consultation.


Mr Dickinson suggested that a footpath/cycleway would be desirable along the B660 from the village of Holme to join up with the path along the B1043 at Ratcliffe’s garage.

The village is isolated as you cannot walk/cycle to a local centre safely.  County has recently put in a footpath from Yaxley to Farcet so it can be done (that was done with S106 funds).

This to be considered at the next Parish Council meeting.


Dr Alison Graham and Stewart Howe spoke about the new Annabelle Davis Centre in Yaxley which will cover Holme and the other villages. The centre will provide early intervention for individuals and families in crisis, whether they need counselling, play therapy, medical needs, financial advice or signposting to another organisation. It should function as a “one stop shop” and will be staffed only by good quality, qualified staff. There has been a big fundraising effort and it is partnered with Persimmon homes. They are converting the old caretaker’s bungalow at the William de Yaxley School near the shopping centre which makes it accessible. Further centres are planned in Wisbech, Peterborough and possibly Huntingdon.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm.




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